P.M. Zieliński1,
M. Bałanda1, Robert Pełka1, Tadeusz Wasiutyński1
1 The
Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences,
Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Cracow, Poland, tel.: +48(12)662823, fax.:
+48(12)6628458, Pm.Zielinski@ifj.edu.pl
During the
investigation into magnetic properties of charge transfer salt molecular magnet
[Mn(OC12H25)4TPP][TCNE]*2PhMe (TPP– tetraphenylporphyrin,
TCNE– tetracyanoethylene) the photo-induced magnetic effects have been
observed. The compound forms a pseudo 1D alternating acceptor-donor chains. The
Mn-porphyrin based donors have spin S=2 while TCNE acceptors have spin s=1/2[1].
Transition from local order of ferrimagnetically coupled donor and acceptor
spins to ferromagnetic long-range was observed at TC = 22 K. Between
TC and ~ 8 K the substance shows properties characteristic of mixed
spin-glass and ferromagnetic phase. At Tg ~ 8 K re-entrance to
spin-glass is observed. Below Tg, at the virgin magnetisation curve
the field induced magnetisation jump was reported and identified as the
spin-flop transition[2]. Our
research into magnetic properties of [MnR4TPP][TCNE]*2PhMe and PME
were performed in both static (DC) and
dynamic (AC) modes with Lake Shore 7225 equipment using a specially designed
sample probe with optical fibre. The optical system consisted of a Xe lamp with optical cut-off filters or
He-Ne laser was used. Measurements of magnetic quantities were performed before
and during illumination. Results of DC relaxation measurements obtained for
different magnetic fields in He bath temperature (4,2 K) during
illumination differ significantly from
those obtained before illumination. Both the value and the time dependence of
magnetisation changed during illumination (Fig. 1). Hysteresis loop measured
before and during illumination was also found to undergo considerable change.
On the other hand the AC measurements revealed only slight alteration in the
real and imaginary components of the susceptibility. Simple theoretical
description of the magnetisation process registered below 8 K, based on the
models proposed by Palmer et al.[3]
and Walton[4]
was performed and the relaxation data were found to be consistent with the
[1] J. S. Miller, J. C. Calabrese, R. S. McLean, A. J. Epstein, ,,meso-(Tetraphenylporphinato)manganese(III)-tetracyanoethenide, [MnIIITPP]::[TCNE]. A New Structure-Type Linear-Chain Magnet with a Tc of 18K’’ : Advanced Materials, 1992, 4 490.
[2] M. Bałanda, K. Falk, K. Griesar, Z.Tomkowicz, T.Wasiutyński, W. Haase, ,,Spin Flop Transition in the Substituted Mn-Porphyrin Magnet [Mn(OC12H25)4TPP][TCNE]*2PhMe’’, Moleqular Crystal And Liquid Crystal, 1999, 335, 133-141.
[3] R. G. Palmer, D. L. Stein, E. Abrahms, P. W. Anderson, ,,Models of Hierarchically Constrained Dynamics for glassy Relaxation’’ Physical Review Letters, 1984, 53, 958-961.
[4] D. Walton, ,,Relaxation and aging in Ising systems’’, Physical Review B, 1996, 53, 14980-14986.