From independent molecular processes and phase transitions to photo-induced co-operative phenomena
Hervé Cailleau, France
A - Introduction - a small overview
- light tuning of charge and/or spin molecular states and photo-switching in materials;
- the time-scales: from trapped states to the ultra-fast world;
- from independent molecular processes in femto-chemistry to photo-induced co-operative molecular processes in solids;
- from independent coherent phonons to photo-induced displacive phase transitions;
- pump-probe techniques and emergence of new experimental tools,...
- scientific and technological challenges.
- B - Tools
- co-operativity and phase transitions : instability and thermodynamics, broken symmetry and order parameter, molecular interactions and mechanisms, soft mode and Ising, mean field and beyond, domains and hysteresis, description of switchable systems,...
- photo-induced co-operative phenomena: electronic excitation processes and structural relaxation, impulsive excitation of coherent atomic oscillations, out-of-equilibrium relaxation dynamics, beyond the two-temperatures model, non-thermal processes and coherent motions, self-amplification and self-organisation,...
- C - Future trends